Hill and Hill Farms, is a family organized business and is dedicated to delivering top performance to their valued customers.
"At Hill and Hill Farms, we are committed to offering our customers the full package" - Bev Hill
Custom Farm Services
One main component of our business is our "Custom Farm Services". We have a complete lineup of equipment to ensure we can deliver fast, superior services, at affordable rates.
- Variety of primary and secondary tillage equipment
- John Deere 1790 - 16 x 30" row corn, 31 x 15" soybean planter
- John Deere 42 foot no-till air drill
- Spraying with an AG Chem rogator with 90' booms
- John Deere 9760 combines
- 35 foot flex head and 12 row corn heads
- Stone picking
- Custom trucking and field trailers
Argonomic Services
We also offer seeds from many of the leading seed companies.
- Round-up ready soybeans
- Bulk X-press delivery
- Identity preserve soybean contracts
- Non GMO soybeans
- Round-up ready corn
- Stacked gene hybrids - RIB
- Winter and spring cereals
- Bt and Liberty Link hybrids
- And MUCH more
Grain Marketing
To complete our package, we offer grain handling and storage, combined with commodity marketing through Varna Grain Ltd.
- Four fast receiving pits
- Drying and conditioning of corn, soybeans and winter and spring wheat
- Storage